Frequently asked questions

These are just a few of the questions our team is frequently asked. We hope these help you get a better understanding of the services we provide!

+ How long does the design process take?

From the time the deposit is paid, it will typically take about 4-6 weeks for us to send you a first set of renderings. After the initial schemes are sent, we will usually send updates within a week once we receive your feedback. Sometimes we do get backed up on our work order list, and updates take a while longer, but if you are trying to meet a certain deadline, we will make sure to get your scheme completed on your timeline.

+ Do I need to purchase paint masks or do I just need the paint guide?

The paint guide we create for your scheme can definitely be used by itself to translate the design to your plane without any extra materials provided by us. If you or your paint shop feel more comfortable using vinyl paint masks, then that is perfectly fine and we can provide those for an additional fee! Our paint shop always uses paint masks to simplify the painting process.

+ What if I want to use a design that’s on another plane?

We also provide an adaptation service that may better fit your needs than our unlimited design service. Let us know that you’re interested in this service, and we can give you a quote for the work! We will not do a “copy and paste” scheme, but we will make the scheme you like into a “one-off” design that is custom to your plane!

+ Will anyone else have the same design as me?

All of our designs are copyright protected. This, however, does not mean that someone else will not copy your design. Sadly, it’s difficult to enforce this, but this has rarely occurred for our customers. We also will not give one of our customers your design to use on their plane, because we want each of our customers to have a truly unique scheme.

+ Can my project be expedited if my plane is going in for paint soon?

We prefer to start working with you as early as possible, but if you are in a time-limiting situation, then we will be more than happy to expedite your project without any additional fee. Just let us know as soon as possible, and we will work with you on your timeline!

+ What paint shops do you recommend?

Let us know which region you’re interested in, and we’ll send you a list. Plus, if you have a homebuilt experimental aircraft, we would love to get your plane onto the Evoke Aviation schedule, just let us know that you’re interested!

If you have any other questions not answered above, send us an email at or fill out an information request form, and we’ll get back to you ASAP!