Van's RV-10 N919AE Custom Paint Scheme
OWNER: Rick Eilers
AIRCRAFT: Van’s RV-10 N919AE
PAINTED BY: Evoke Aviation
Rick wanted the design for his Van’s RV-10 to be angular, unique, and bold. He was enticed by a lot of our more eccentric designs that we had done in the past, but wanted to stay away from any airbrushed elements and instead preferred solid blocks of contrasting color.
The bold colors were a must for Rick, but he also needed some elements to tie it all together with the gray interior of the plane, so we threw in a classic silver. The bright yellow and blue make this plane really pop and stand out from the crowd.
Thanks to Rick for trusting us with this special project and letting our designers go a little on the wild side with this one! Our paint team did an amazing job at putting the finishing touches on Rick’s RV-10, and now it’s back in the skies!