Vans RV-7A N99QQ Custom Paint Scheme

Evoke Aircraft Design plane scheme designers Vans RV-7A

OWNER: Jeffrey Pringle


PAINTED BY: Evoke Aviation

A classic color scheme with a pop of bright orange pin stripes brought Jeffrey Pringle’s Vans RV-7A to life in a sleek way. Jeffrey wanted to make a statement with his beloved bird and stand out from the rest. So, we took the typical Vans RV style and shook it up, and this is the result!

Modern and clean, this scheme has some aggressive lines mixed with some subtle gray and white. The use of a bright orange pinstripe really added some flare to the overall design and tied in the look of the interior perfectly.

Thanks to Jeffrey for asking us to create this sick, stylish scheme, and a big thanks to Evoke Aviation for finishing off this project with such a flawless, beautiful paint job!